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13-15. March 2020.




Registration Deadline: 11th March

ValuAble Conference 20+


1 Irresistible Invitation
2 Worth the Risk
3 Rediscover Wonder
4 Fully Alive

ValuAble Conference 20+

Initiative of the Duna Conference launched in 2015 and organized together with the Youth Department of the Hungarian Union.

Location: BUDAPEST
Friday, Sunday: Terézváros SDA Church,
Székely Bertalan Street 13.
Saturday: Dürer Events Center. Ajtósi Dürer Way 13-15.
The Conference starts Friday, 6.00 PM

More information:


to adress the adventist young adults

to provide a forum for them to “chip in the church’s leadership”

to find their place in serving of God, the church and the fellow men

to inspire to a pithy and thoughtful spirituality

to stand firmly by the unchangeable values of the Bible in a constantly changing world

to encourage to transmit the eternal gospel in a modern, understandable and reasonable way

to discover new ways to reach the modern youth

Dr Tihomir Lazić

Dr Tihomir Lazić works as a Lecturer in Systematic Theology at Newbold College and as the Director of Public Campus Ministry (or Student Ministry) at the Trans-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist church. He completed his doctorate in theology at the University of Oxford. His speciality is in systematic theology, or more precisely, contemporary ecclesiology — particularly the issues of Adventist ecclesiology and identity. Lazić lives in England and is married to Kärt Lazić from Estonia. The main drives that shape his vision of life and ministry are the sense of wonder and adventure that come from exploring the unknown and from the relentless quest to understand God and believers' life in Him.




1. Irresistible Invitation
2. Worth the Risk
3. Rediscover Wonder
1. Fully Alive

Reclaiming the Big Picture: The Stories We Subscribe to
Saturday morning:
Reclaiming the Rhythm: Recovering the Original Plan
Saturday evening:
Reclaiming Our Identity: The Man Between Two Worlds
Sunday morning:
Reclaiming Our Mission: Lessons From a Scandal